
Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's your favorite sport?


Ask me anything

When was the last time you received flowers?

Probably my birthday, last summer.

Ask me anything

What would be the best workplace perk?

The right to check personal email or personal social media accounts during work hours.

Ask me anything

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

Luxury Yacht.

Ask me anything

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

Miss Selfridge.

Ask me anything

What did you eat for breakfast today?

I don't do breakfast.

Ask me anything

If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?

The Economist.

Ask me anything

What are you most excited about right now?

Music. Just as I always am. :)

Ask me anything

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

Miss Selfridge, definitely. And if I could go to several stores inside a mall, than it would probably be Miss Selfridge, Sephora, Ann Summers, Waterstones, Top Shop.

Ask me anything

Who and when was your first kiss?

Some guy I fancied in 5th grade. First french kiss was in highschool however, on a blind date.

Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

I fancy believing in ghosts.

Ask me anything

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?


Ask me anything

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

Hillary Clinton

Ask me anything

What's your favorite season of the year?

All except for Spring. Spring is boring. Way too long, uneventful and useless.

Ask me anything

What was the best concert you went to?

Probably Muse, in Bucharest, back in 2007. That's the one that started my addiction to concerts anyway.

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a great athlete, artist, or musician?

Artist. Musicians are overrated and athletes are parasites.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Friday, July 11, 2008

In situatia aceasta, orice as face, eu oricum pierd. Indiferent de ce as alege.

Monday, June 23, 2008

6 motive mai mult sau maiputin misogine sa ii cedezi scaunul unei tipe
Deoarece sunt masochiste:
  1. Femeile umbla f mult pe tocuri; tinand cont ca barbatii sunt mai mult in pantofi sport sau, chiar si eleganti, dar comozi, ar trebui sa le fie un picutz mila si sa cedeze sexului masochist, locul in mijloacele de transport in comun
  2. Tin nenumarate diete, doamnele obosesc mai repede deci si sunt mereu ametite. Dar cum fac asta ca sa arate mai bine pentru domni, atunci banuiesc ca acestia ar trebui sa fie flatati si sa-si arate recunostinta

Femeile sunt sexul slab deci....

  1. Este mai probabil sa ameteasca o femeie din pricina caniculei decat un barbat, asa ca nu faci decat sa amani inevitabilul- nu ii cedezi locul la timp, i-l vei ceda cu siguranta cand va lesina
  2. Doamnele muncesc putin si prin urmare sunt mai grase. Evident daca sunt mai grase, duc o povara mult mai grea deci trebuie sa se odihneasca mai mult.

5. Daca vrea sa stea jos, probabil ca este obosita. Daca este obosita, probabil ca ii place deasupra.

6. Sa nu uitam totusi ca toti barbati "provin" dintr-o femeie. Poate daca mamele lor nu ar fi apucat sa stea jos niciodata, cand li se facea rau din pricina sarcinii, ei nu ar mai fii apucat sa cunoasca scaune si tipe...

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Karl Leonhard- Personalitati accentuate in viata si in literatura
pill box

russian dolls- excellent price

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sick ideas-to persuade your life partner into joining you at the concert/art exhibition/book launch party of the one you're cheating him/her with.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Today's topic-GIFTS

I have this issue about gifts-I'm not really fond of actually handing them over but I truly love the thrill of looking for that one gift that really fits the receiver. I know I'm not perfect(but I'm so damn close that it scares me:P) and I sometimes screw up and don't actually find something that it is going to be liked or needed as a matter of fact, but I do my best. I have all my friends' birthday dates noted in my addenda, I have reminders about all occasions requiring the purchase of gifts/cards and I always plan my shopping with at least two weeks before the anniversary/birthday/holiday when I know exactly what to buy and where I would find that particular item and a whole month if I don't know where to buy it from. Don't get me wrong, I don't really need two weeks just to buy it and most of the times, the gift stays in a closet of mine for like a week and a half. But I just want to be sure that if something should occur, I will still have enough time for my purchase and that the item wouldn't go out of stock.Oh, and one more thing, I always pay great attention to my friend likes and dislikes. Maybe the present won’t be ideal, since I sometimes tend to be subjective but if I’ll hear someone saying he doesn’t have as many shirts as he’d like to, I’ll obviously go and buy him one on the proximate occasion. And new ideas come to me all the time and I always take notes in my head of the suitable gifts for everyone. The problem is that what goes around doesn’t necessarily come around and hence, those for whom I try to do all these nice things don’t do the same for me. They hardly ever pay attention to what I’d like to have even though sometimes I literally tell them what I’d like to receive for my birthday; they wait until the last moment to actually purchase any gift for me and therefore, they sometimes end up not buying it at all; they don’t always send me cards; they rarely answer my text messages and so on….Let’s take the next situation for example. I know Y. I know for a fact Y loves ties since he made a habit out of stating that with every possible occasion. Naturally, for Y’s eighteen birthday I got him a tie on his favorite color (pretty expensive too). On my eighteen birthday, Y asks Someone what should he get me. Someone asks me what Y should get me. I tell Someone I’d like a certain book (easy to find and not at all expensive). And obviously Y gets me a (very!!!) cheap cd that I don’t even usually listen to.

I won’t claim I haven’t received nice presents too, but still, I just wished I was at least someone's princess…nevermind!