Wednesday, October 11, 2006

1.O chitara la care a cantat Satriani sau alti chitaristi celebri e o chitara de colectie pe cand o femeie care a fost cu alti barbati e doar o alta c****.
2.Cu o chitara , orica de scumpa ar fi aceasta , nu cheltui intr-o viata de om mai mult de 2000euro.Cu o femeie , in 70 ani , cheltui cel putin 2000000euro.
3.O chitara isi va pastra mereu formele frumoase si calitatea de a fii placuta la atingere in timp ce o femeie se ingrasa sau este obsedata de slabire si pe deasupra mai si imbatraneste.
4.Chitarile nu vorbesc;nici nu fac zgomot daca nu le faci tu sa faca...(special ptr frati-miu si Serban depasesc limita misoginismului si ajung la tenta sexuala-femeile ,chiar daca nu le pui tu si tot isi pot gasii ceva sau cineva care sa le"-o"puna).
5.O chitara nu are pretentii de la tine si nu este geloasa,nu te critica si nu te cicaleste cu privire la locurile unde ai fost , capacul de la wc , persoanele cu care te-ai intalnit , banii pe care i-ai cheltuit fara ea , etc.

Multumesc ptr ajutor lui Mr.FuzzMz aka Serban


Andrew C. said...

Prea prea tare! E chiar genial textul. Nu am mai ras asa de bine de ceva timp.

Anonymous said...

In aceasi sfera (da, stiu ca ai declarat locul asta mort insa este un loc de pelegrinaj pentru mine):

10 Reasons Girlfriends Are Better Than Computers

1. Girlfriends are cheaper to maintain than computers.
. . . cost of girlfriend maintenance varies significantly from model to model.
2. Girlfriends can become older, but never obsolete.
. . . no, only fat, wrinkled and ugly. I can always buy an upgrade for my computer.
3. Computers cannot iron your shirts or make your food.
. . . just like computers, performance varies from model to model, you always get
exactly what you pay for.
4. Cum makes keyboards SOO sticky - and you can't wash them.
. . . Try the disk drive but remember to cover your disk.
5. Girlfriends function very well during main current breakdowns.
. . . computers don't have PMS!
6. When a girlfriend makes an error, it is not ALWAYS your fault.
. . . if it's not your fault, then whose fault is it?
7. Girlfriends do their own routine maintenance.
. . . once you live with one, you will learn - they require routine maintenance
each and every morning, I just turn my computer on each morning.
8. Girlfriends' memories do not get accidentally erased.
. . . not accidentally, they forget exactly what they want to forget, exactly
when they want to forget.
9. Even if you have been awake all night with your girlfriend,
your eyes are not necessarily red.
. . . it's hard to argue with sex.
10. Computers are totally boring in bed.
. . . they don't steal the covers either.