Sunday, April 15, 2007

I have a friend of whom I am pretty fond.And this is who we are going to talk about today.And her name in this post wil be...she...
I've discovered I'm a much more free-spirited girl than she is. That meaning that while she is afraid of starting it all over again , of repeating yesterday in the ways of tomorrow , I believe that life means to taste every flower that might blossom in your way.So , she refuses to taste once again yesterdays flavor , no matter how many flowers would've dried up inside of her , no matter how many flowers would've blossomed inside of her , no matter just how different the one whose sap gives the flavor of today is than the one who gave the flavor of yesterday.I , myself , on the other hand , I would taste each and every apple in this damn world , going from temptation , to damnation and rebirth over and over again if I would know for sure that an apple is sweeter than another one. It's just that I know that that isn't true , since all apples are just the same-they have a sweet side and a bitter one. It's only that a few apples are a little closer to perfection or to disaster than others are.

Some time ago , I've seen this movie , where one She had to choose between two of He:one of them was wonderful(that is ,of course , just my opinion)while the other one was a little more of a rebel , a little more of a child , a little more of an artist(and , I would say , with a smaller fortune , as well ;) ).And the first one told her these particular words:'It can't always be as it was in the beginning , darling.I love you , but I won't poor roses on your path for the rest of my life.We won't have dinner surrounded by lighted candles every evening , I won't bring you breakfast in bed every morning and we won't sleep holding each other every night .We'll have our disagreements and I'm not gonna say 'I'm sorry' on my newspaper's front page.Damn it , I'm not gonna pay court to you in every day of our lives.Yet , I love you and if you stick with me , I'll be loving you for ever and besides , we both know you want to stick with me , since you love me just as much as I love you.' It isn't relevant who She ended up with , but this thing that the two of us both have in common-the constant need of being impressed....

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Few things show us apart from the ordinary animals(anorexia , bulimia , perversion , sexual abstinence , the logical judgement , homosexuality , abortion , research , drug addiction , eroticism , art(creation and performing) , witchcraft )and , yet , it seems to me that in particular exactly those things are the ones to stay misunderstood and blamed by the so called society.
And that is because of the fact that most of this society is made out of those small people who just won't surpass their condition and so they can't actually accept to have as a leader someone better than them.Thus they need to put the rest of the people in this bed of Procust called"ethics" .
Have you ever noticed that we fear differently from the murders , the thieves or those capable
of abandoning their own children but from those illustrated by the words in red?No one rushes into posting messages against those I've mentioned second on the walls of my/your hometown , no one writes articles against them , no one starts campaigns and marsh protests against them .
No one fears that we could become a society of murders , thieves , adulterants , and people capable of abandoning or even raping or killing their children or parents but it seems that everyone is afraid that anorexics , perverts , true artists or people who feed themselves with culture and intellectual hard-working could at one point get to lead them.

I take it back. Some time ago , people seemed to me like heavy drops of milk , floating in an ocean of hot n'cold oil.Today yet , I'm awake.Definitely awake.The people of these mornings are ordinary people:colored people , with scowling faces , determined to fit in the overcrowded vehicles.I'm not saying that not all of us are allowed to get where they need/want to but wouldn't it be much easier if we all weighted with at least 20kilos less than our height in meters??
So , if you're 1.60 and you weight around 80kilos , stop making threats , don't push us around , don't press me like an unwritten piece of paper anymore and better yet give up on the vehicles and try walking to the place where you wanna get.
Perhaps this way you'll even get to lose a few pounds ;)

(.....aNa.....Where are you , my dear precious aNa??.....)

De ce dormim atat de mult?!Ne irosim vietile dormind si mancand ...Mai ales atunci cand somnul e un calvar al pustietatii si dorintei iar hrana are consecinte atat de dureroase.
Tragic ,nu?